Operating Principles - Taking The Positions Which Guide Strategy

IT Strategy ultimately will align the efforts of the IT Organization with that of the enterprise. Determining the operating principles of the organization will foundationally drive this alignment, and determine the initiatives which will be required as part of this alignment.

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Goals - Making Your IT Strategy Real

...I encourage you to apply this simple test to your IT strategy. Do you precisely know when you are successful? If not, either your goals are not defined, or are not tight enough. You invest a lot of time with not only developing your IT Strategy, but in directing the actions of your entire organization based on your strategy. Your goals will ground and focus you.

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The Art of Problem Solving

...while there are many frameworks which have been developed which attempt to get to sought after answers in a methodical manner, the reality is there is less hard science behind this than we would hope. Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato were philosophizing about this long, long ago. Debates brought out valid points in different approaches, but no consensus...

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Measuring IT Success by Business Outcomes

...This was a different time. A time reflective of the technological challenges and complexities that were embodied in computers. Reflective of the high degree of skill required to keep the technological heart beating. A time when working with computers was akin to weaving magic among your peers. A time when the best minds in the business thought the world as a whole would need no more than a handful of computers...

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Spark!, Now What?

...If you are paid for your ideas, then it is a different story. While it is often prudent for your good ideas to find and make friends with other good ideas, building a more comprehensive good idea, you frequently do not have that luxury. Your ideas often have to mature quickly. More importantly, your ideas often need to be shared with others under a deadline, and in a manner that will drive behaviors. No small task.

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