Arrows of Change

It takes courage to stand up for what you believe to be right, for what you believe needs to change, or to the actions and decisions the authority figures and decision makers which you are accountable to. The movie Jerry Maguire opens with the lead character creating a manifesto for change. His vision was bold and would change much of how his company would conduct business. While this manifesto did not turn out too well for him personally in the short-term, in the long-term he was able to put his vision into practice and the industry was far better...

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24 Months

A recent Forrester study has shown that the average job term for a CIO is on the rise. I believe there is more to the story. Going with the assumption that both the employer and employee need to realize a value in what they receive in exchange for what they give there is an implied necessary balance and harmony required for a strong and long-lasting working relationship.

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Soft Statements vs Hard Reality

If your company is like most, your mission statement and set of corporate approved values portray your company as being very compassionate. The picture painted is that people who work at your organization are more like family members than employees. The family will take care of itself and protect itself from all those not part of the family. While these words sound very "Mafia-esque" the messaging demonstrates that your organization is a great place to work.

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...Every so often reality hits. An outside entity steps in to hold a mirror up to ourselves that provides a stiff body check to our egos. Sometime this is in the form of a player who has not been part of our league and provides a benchmark to compare to. Sometime, and this is the ego crushing part, it is in the form of a videotaping performed by a local tavern to entice vulnerable old men to watch their game while sharing a refreshment or two.

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