Getting to the your organization to the next level

Our Point of View

IT organizations are under fire.  Now expectations have never been higher, consumerization of technology is driving demand, multiple sources of technology within the company, challenges in acquiring and retaining talent, budgets being slashed, and the risk to having assets compromised has never been higher.  At the end of the day, these are issues that large, fast moving, and demand that you get in front of them before they bowl you over.

At the same time, all organizations have a portfolio of projects that are in various states of progress, and realizing various levels of success.  In some cases there is little impact to project delays, in others a highly visible project that is failing can have dramatic and profound consequences. 

We help IT organizations get from their current state to their next.   We have helped numerous organizations define their strategy (what they will do and why that is important) and their operating model (how the work will get done and whom will do it).   We help organizations establish governance, determine critical priorities, build program offices, establish funding models that balance the immediate keep the lights on work, with innovation for the future.

How We Engage

IT Strategy.  Strategy means something different to each person you speak to.  External forces such as pressures from competitors, and emerging technology change the game.  Similarly internal pressures such as program delivery, governance, and budgetary pressures influence what is and can be done.  We recognize this and start with your current place and help you determine what your vision of the future is, your strategic intents, measurable goals, and initiatives you will put in place. 

IT Operating Model.  How organizations operate will often determine if they are successful or not.  We held organizations figure out the services they provide (and if they provide them internal or externally), key processes which need to be in place, staffing size and skill sets, governance, and measures of success.

Project Rescue.  Highly visible and high impact projects must be delivered successfully.  When they do not the consequences are severe.  Projects in trouble require a different kind of leadership.  They require wartime management, not the peacetime management they started under.  We can provide this leadership to bring your projects under control.


Case Studies

Under construction


Under construction