We work with private equity firms, commercial bankers, and internal and external audit firms to assess IT organizations of all sizes. Drawing upon our foundation areas of IT Renewal, Emerging Technology, and Human Capital, we bring the experience and discipline to provide an objective opinion on the organization, its strengths, weaknesses, services provided, processes, structure, and governance.

Areas of Assessment

 Human Capital / Technical Workforce

This assessment will review the skill sets of the staff, organizational capability, and the services they provide to and on behalf of the organization (e.g. software engineering, service desk, training, sales support)

 Software Engineering Process Maturity

This assessment will determine the maturity of the software engineering processes in place.  Example areas of process assessment include product planning, requirements / use case management, product architecture and design, product development, product testing, and product maintenance.

 Product Source Code

This assessment will determine the quality of the source code for the client products.  From the inventory of software modules, a sample will be selected for detailed review. Specific attributes to be assessed will be reliability, and maintainability. 

 Technical Operations

This assessment will determine the quality of the operational aspects of the client offerings.  Specific areas under review will be a.) hardware components of network equipment, servers, disks, printers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices, b.)  software components of software, control software, network software, application software, program product tools, and c.) the operational management processes of security, version control, software patch management, data and software backup/restore, data and power redundancy as they relate to the hardware and software environment.

Operational and Financial Controls

This assessment will provide an independent and objective opinion as to the design and effectiveness of the controls in place.  This attestation will demonstrate level of compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley and related regulations, and a clear remediation plan to bring into compliance.