
...Every so often reality hits. An outside entity steps in to hold a mirror up to ourselves that provides a stiff body check to our egos. Sometime this is in the form of a player who has not been part of our league and provides a benchmark to compare to. Sometime, and this is the ego crushing part, it is in the form of a videotaping performed by a local tavern to entice vulnerable old men to watch their game while sharing a refreshment or two.

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Keeping Proper Perspective

Two of the weblogs I follow had interesting posts recently. The fist post by Seth Godin was titled Do You Have 16 Boxes?. In this post Seth elegantly describes a method of keeping perspective by (and I paraphrase here) imagining 16 boxes with each box representing a part of your life. As one box is doing very well, others may be doing poorly. By looking at the bigger picture, meaning all 16 boxes, it is much easier to stay in balance.

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The Push

Layoffs are bad. Layoffs hurt. They are devastating to those people being laid off. The individuals being laid off and their families are hurt financially and emotionally. Assuming those performing the layoff are not masochists, they will go through a great deal of pain as well. The people who remain in the company after the layoff will have lost friends and in some ways grieve for them while they pick up their workload.

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