Communicating Your Strategy

...The reality of the situation is that a very hard part is still ahead of you. Until you are able to distill the resulting strategy into a clear and concise set of messages that can rally people around the future, motivate them to take action, and self direct their behavior to support the strategic vision, my guess is that all you have is a lot of hard work driven by good intentions.

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Operating Principles - Taking The Positions Which Guide Strategy

IT Strategy ultimately will align the efforts of the IT Organization with that of the enterprise. Determining the operating principles of the organization will foundationally drive this alignment, and determine the initiatives which will be required as part of this alignment.

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Goals - Making Your IT Strategy Real

...I encourage you to apply this simple test to your IT strategy. Do you precisely know when you are successful? If not, either your goals are not defined, or are not tight enough. You invest a lot of time with not only developing your IT Strategy, but in directing the actions of your entire organization based on your strategy. Your goals will ground and focus you.

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Playing to Win

I see many sports organizations consistently, year after year, playing to win - as opposed to playing to not lose. They will make the extra effort to ensure they have the right players are in place, but much more than that they will ensure the management talent is in place. They will have extensive recruiting networks, deep management talent at all levels (both at the professional and feeder teams), and cultivate a culture of success throughout the organization. In short, they have made the conscious decision to "play to win."

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