Goals - Making Your IT Strategy Real

...I encourage you to apply this simple test to your IT strategy. Do you precisely know when you are successful? If not, either your goals are not defined, or are not tight enough. You invest a lot of time with not only developing your IT Strategy, but in directing the actions of your entire organization based on your strategy. Your goals will ground and focus you.

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The Art of Building a Team

Over the course of the last twenty years I've been part of and put together dozens of teams. Over the last few years I've been putting together teams more often. I've found that it is important to recognize that teams evolve. They take on an identity. They have a culture. At the beginning of a project they are a collection of individuals, at the end of a project the team is far more than the sum of its people - in ways that are difficult to predict. At its essence, teams are organic entities which are grown as opposed to assembled or built.

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