Operating Principles - Taking The Positions Which Guide Strategy

IT Strategy ultimately will align the efforts of the IT Organization with that of the enterprise. Determining the operating principles of the organization will foundationally drive this alignment, and determine the initiatives which will be required as part of this alignment.

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The Art of Problem Solving

...while there are many frameworks which have been developed which attempt to get to sought after answers in a methodical manner, the reality is there is less hard science behind this than we would hope. Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato were philosophizing about this long, long ago. Debates brought out valid points in different approaches, but no consensus...

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How We Make Decisions

...It is often thought that big decisions need big process to support them. This is not necessarily so. Sometimes speed of decision is more important than the comprehensiveness of a "big process". Let us be clear though, a process (formal / informal, structured / unstructured, instinctive / thoughtful) exists for all decisions, whether you realize it or not.

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Whom Do I Hire, Consultant or Contractor?

As an executive, you find yourself in unfamiliar waters. You have a groundswell of demand for collaborative and Web 2.0 technologies and many are currently used within your organization. While you have concerns over reliability, security, availability, on-going support, and a variety of other topics, you realize the value of these technologies and know that the promise they show will be of tremendous value. Given your extensive knowledge and relationships within the company, you know that of the 360 degrees on the compass in which you can direct your company, you have narrowed the down a possible directional choices to "generally northwest".

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Technical Architecture - Static or Active?

What happens when the technology platform which you have adopted is eclipsed by newer more efficient or effective technology? It is easy for this to happen. The decisions made today will have a shelf life. Vendors of software platforms are frequently purchased leaving the acquired platform in limbo. Different technologies and platforms which perform similar roles can gain more market traction leaving the chosen platform in question.

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Cautious Steps Make Little Progress

I read an interesting saying the other day, "People who take caution with every step make little progress." In my experience as a management consultant I have seen many people who require a tremendous amount of information before they make decisions. In some cases there are many uncertainties which need to be worked through and in others it is simply a management style.

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