Measuring IT Success by Business Outcomes

...This was a different time. A time reflective of the technological challenges and complexities that were embodied in computers. Reflective of the high degree of skill required to keep the technological heart beating. A time when working with computers was akin to weaving magic among your peers. A time when the best minds in the business thought the world as a whole would need no more than a handful of computers...

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Physics of IT - Mass (of Capabilities)

While certainly not as straight forward as inventorying people or assets, the capabilities of the IT organization provide is another form of mass. Capabilities add process processes to the people and the technology (Vaughan Merlyn has a great post on differentiating capabilities from processes) and in so doing provide a business perspective of the scope of value provided by the IT organization. By cataloguing the capabilities of an IT organization it is possible to assess the mass this set of capabilities provides.

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