How We Make Decisions

...It is often thought that big decisions need big process to support them. This is not necessarily so. Sometimes speed of decision is more important than the comprehensiveness of a "big process". Let us be clear though, a process (formal / informal, structured / unstructured, instinctive / thoughtful) exists for all decisions, whether you realize it or not.

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Margin Notes

...Another tool I have found is to review margin notes of managers, directors, and above. When available, if you are able to take a look at meeting agenda's, presentation handouts, status reports, and the like you may notice something quite interesting. The handwriting which people place on these documents are far more than simple markings. The handwriting which in the margins is the individual's personal take on specific items. In a similar way that handwriting analysts are able to understand a writer from their handwriting (based a direct connection from brain to pen to paper), margin notes are created in the same way...

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Leading at the Edge

...At the edge, the action is about change. The action is about identifying a vision and working towards transformation of an organization. In the post noted above, Edge IT is defined as functions and services that rhyme with IT Strategy, workforce planning, financial and operational modelling, scalability and capacity planning. This is an area where leadership makes all the difference...

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Managing at the Core

...This is also the area where truly great IT organizations separate themselves from their peers. Organizations which are able to articulate the problems to solve, the benefits and costs in doing so, and have develop a well though through approach in addressing the problem have a huge leg up. By doing so, the organization can avoid false starts and mis-direction, early involvement of stakeholders instead of late, and the projects have a better chance of running to conclusion. In general, this will provide a more efficient use of capital.

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Celebration of Shadow IT

All those of you who have participated in a Sarbanes-Oxley audit hold up your hand? Good. Now, how many of you have been involved in documenting the processes under scrutiny by the Act? I see fewer hands up. For those of you with your hands still up, do you notice something interesting in each of these processes? Thats's right, there's a healthy dose of technology inside these processes - and a healthy percentage of this was developed by people who don't work within...

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