Demonstrable Leadership

Nuts and bolts time. As a leader how do your demonstrate your leadership? Are you doing anything to position yourself as something other than a leader? There are probably hundreds of tasks and activities which you can do during any given day. The items with which you choose to interact with people, and how you choose to interact with people, will play a big part in your ability to lead them.

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Blood Type of a Consultant

Before getting into blood type, it's worthwhile to define the term "consultant" as I believe the industry has muddied the term to the point of confusion. Unfortunately, it is common today to refer to all labor external to an organization as "consultants." Consultants are hired to advise (or consult) in areas which are outside the body of knowledge inside the organization. Consultants will typically have either extensive first hand experience in the subject matter, or a research arm which identifies the issues and best practices in a leading edge area of business. Organizations hire consultants to provide their opinion and "advise them what to do" often for the purpose of driving highly material decisions

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