Measuring IT Success by Business Outcomes

...This was a different time. A time reflective of the technological challenges and complexities that were embodied in computers. Reflective of the high degree of skill required to keep the technological heart beating. A time when working with computers was akin to weaving magic among your peers. A time when the best minds in the business thought the world as a whole would need no more than a handful of computers...

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Celebration of Shadow IT

All those of you who have participated in a Sarbanes-Oxley audit hold up your hand? Good. Now, how many of you have been involved in documenting the processes under scrutiny by the Act? I see fewer hands up. For those of you with your hands still up, do you notice something interesting in each of these processes? Thats's right, there's a healthy dose of technology inside these processes - and a healthy percentage of this was developed by people who don't work within...

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Growing Pains

When companies are young, there is often abundant enthusiasm, and a scarcity of funds. From an IT perspective your decision horizon is also not too far out. You will typically have comparatively few users for the systems you have to build (or buy, or rent, or...). The criteria that you have to work with will typically be very basic functionality, low volume, and little interaction between functions. Given that the expectation that you will pull off minor miracles with two quarters and a dime, the best and easiest answer is to develop point solutions with minimal investment in the software platform. If you have enough foresight to the types of applications required ahead of time you may even invest time in an application and system architecture. Congratulate yourself if were able to pull this off in the typical start-up organization.

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