Managing at the Core

...This is also the area where truly great IT organizations separate themselves from their peers. Organizations which are able to articulate the problems to solve, the benefits and costs in doing so, and have develop a well though through approach in addressing the problem have a huge leg up. By doing so, the organization can avoid false starts and mis-direction, early involvement of stakeholders instead of late, and the projects have a better chance of running to conclusion. In general, this will provide a more efficient use of capital.

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Arrows of Change

It takes courage to stand up for what you believe to be right, for what you believe needs to change, or to the actions and decisions the authority figures and decision makers which you are accountable to. The movie Jerry Maguire opens with the lead character creating a manifesto for change. His vision was bold and would change much of how his company would conduct business. While this manifesto did not turn out too well for him personally in the short-term, in the long-term he was able to put his vision into practice and the industry was far better...

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24 Months

A recent Forrester study has shown that the average job term for a CIO is on the rise. I believe there is more to the story. Going with the assumption that both the employer and employee need to realize a value in what they receive in exchange for what they give there is an implied necessary balance and harmony required for a strong and long-lasting working relationship.

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Dark Matter

Ask anyone (astrophysicists excluded) what the universe is made of and they will point to the mountains, oceans, plants, buildings, and people around us. They would be correct - to a point. The reality is that these known and tangible items account for four percent (4%) of the universe. Ninety six percent (96%) is unknown - called Dark Matter. What we know is vastly over-shadowed by what we don't know. Given how much we don't know, it is quite likely that we will learn that we likely don't know the 4% that well either.

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IT Farming

...One interesting aspect to explore here is not the comments or absence of them, but how the situations being commented on came to be. While many times these comments can refer to specific events, more often than not, when you dig beneath the surface, you will find that what is being reacted to is a systemic condition, the seeds (either crop or weeds) of which had been planted long ago.

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Hey CIO, How Are Your Legal Skills?

What at one time consisted of determining departmental headcount now looks at how to augment this with contractors, consultants, and outsourcing firms. While the workforce plan provides the overall guidance, contracts are where the rubber meets the road. This is where you precisely define the products and services required, and the terms and conditions which go along with the acquisition. Knowing how to negotiate these contracts and the obligations of the parties is a core skill in the delivery of Information Technology.

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Hey CIO, How Are Your HR/OD Skills?

Organizations morph. Sometimes the change is slow over time, sometimes rapid as part of a merger. What was effective structurally at one point inevitable deconstructs as the organization it supports changes. As people move in and out of the organization personalities change the roles and by association how the work gets done. Informal structures emerge and at some point the formal organization becomes a hinderance as opposed to a means to facilitate and support successful results.

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