Shifting Asset Ownership

...Data centers have shrunk to server rooms. Server rooms have been virtualized to a rack or two. Desktop workstations are now laptops and tablets. The price point to equip your workforce has dropping and the capital budget has been shrinking with it. Licensing of enterprise suites is also feeling the tremors as paying in an on demand mode is becoming a core part of the vendor conversation.

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Physics of IT - How Massive is my IT Organization?

As we have moved from an industrial to informational mindset, the pendulum has swung somewhat. While capabilities are still paramount, the bulk associated with what is required to provide these capabilities (assets and headcount) is no longer seen as necessarily being required. Over the last several years being nimble has been a mandate (spoken or unspoken). Use of external labor and business process outsourcing is seen as a way of providing capability while shedding mass (becoming more nimble). Cloud computing, similarly, is seen as a way to provide assets to an organization without directly adding mass to the organization.

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Physics of IT - Mass (of Assets)

Conceptually, we can think of mass as the collection of quantitative and qualitative attributes that can describe not only the size of an organization, but also the ability to deliver results to their customers. Mass connotes weight and with it inertia. Those people who have plied their trade in organizational change are all too familiar with the joys and pains of the inertia which allows organizations in motion to stay in motion, and organizations at rest to stay at rest.

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