Physics of IT - Mass (of Assets)

Conceptually, we can think of mass as the collection of quantitative and qualitative attributes that can describe not only the size of an organization, but also the ability to deliver results to their customers. Mass connotes weight and with it inertia. Those people who have plied their trade in organizational change are all too familiar with the joys and pains of the inertia which allows organizations in motion to stay in motion, and organizations at rest to stay at rest.

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Physics of IT - Mass (of People)

Conceptually, we can think of mass as the collection of quantitative and qualitative attributes that can describe not only the size of an organization, but also the ability to deliver results to their customers. Mass connotes weight and with it inertia. Those people who have plied their trade in organizational change are all too familiar with the joys and pains of the inertia which allows organizations in motion to stay in motion, and organizations at rest to stay at rest.

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Physics of an IT Organization

A former colleague of mine, John Calvello, has penned Corporate Physics. A great book which draws insightful comparisons between implementing complex change and Newtonian Physics. These two topics would normally not share a sentence, but they have inspired the next series of posts as I draw similar correlations to traditional IT organizations.

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How to Organize for Success

There are four building blocks to the model. Each of which should be followed at a high level to understand the bigger picture and in doing so define the parameters to work within. Once this has been performed at a high level, an additional level of detail should be produced to provide additional specificity to each of the four building blocks of the template.

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